Wednesday, October 24, 2007


One commercial I really like thats on tv now is the Snickers commercial with the viking and the pilgrim. The two are at a gas station and the pilgrim tells the viking that they are out of Snickers candy bars and the viking yells NOOOOOOOO!!!! and throws a trash can at a car in the parking lot leaving a sizable dent in the cars rear driverside panel. Then the pilgrim tells the viking that he got them Snickers dark bars instead and the viking yells YEEEEESSSS!!!! again throwing a new trash can that somehow magically appered where the old (already thrown) trash can was. Again he hits the car in the parking lot in the rear driverside panel. I think the commercial is hilarious everytime I watch it because its so over the top, theres no real reason for a viking and a pilgrim to be friends traveling together but they do look quite ridiculous and watching a trash can get thrown into a car across a parking lot is farcical. I already really like Snickers candy bars and I havent yet tried the dark chocolate version (even though I do enjoy me some dark chocolate). But I suppose if I were given the choice between the two I would try the dark one. Yeah I'm pretty sure I would think of the commercial when I saw the dark chocolate Snickers.

I also really like the Messin with sasquatch commercials but I cant remember the name of the beef jerky that its for so I suppose its not that effective.


Stacey Clark said...

I've never seen that commercial but it sounds really funny. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

Lynley Culver said...

Why WOULDN'T a pilgrim and a viking travel together? Who would you expect them to travel with? I'd type more, but its not designated typing time.

Lynley Culver said...

Oh! And I have a big white ridiculous looking cat, incase you actually DO want to be Silly Hans for Halloween.

ruggermichigan3 said...

I like because it uses the stereotypes of the different kinds of manhood through the ages and to rival the ridiculous of the alcohol ads with the displacement of humor. Also , I have seen it and find it really cool.

ruggermichigan3 said...

sorry, I did not mean offend you on Lynely's blog.