Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Weekend

Dear Professor Blank:

This last weekend I had wasn't too exciting or productive. I spent a large amount of my time working at the Air Zoo. The highlight for me came on Saturday night when I was working a night event with a friend of mine. The night event went until 12:00 a.m. and I had been working that day starting at 8:00 a.m. Needless to say by the time the night event was slowing down I was a bit tired and a bit loopy. Anyways my friend and I were working up front at the ticket desk making sure all the people that came into the building were there for the night event and not just people wandering in off the street. The event was some dancing thing for old people. I'm not exactly sure what the group was all I know is that they danced amongst the air planes for a good 4 hours, and they danced to all kinds of music. The song choices ranged from Fergie to country, to Dean Martin to classical. When the organizer of the event arrived Andrew and I could hardly keep from laughing. He was dressed to the nines had a very precisely cut and cleanly trimmed white beard and looked almost exactly like Colonel Sanders, except for the fact that he came in with a very Russian looking fuzzy winter cap and had on a long black trench coat. So Andrew and I got our jollies by calling him Citizen Sanders or Commrade Sanders. Later on in the night one of the younger dancers a man in his mid forties came out to change for his solo dance. This guy was way creepy looking and seemed as if he had just come off an 80's porn shoot. He had a thick poorly trimmed stash a wicked comb over and even asked Andrew and I if we were looking at porn, which we weren't but the fact that he asked was quite odd. When he came back from changing his costume he was wear a cowboy get up and his sleeveless shirt was aglow with what looked like little fake jewels that had been "Badazeled" on. I honestly wish I could say that I kept a straight face upon seeing this sight but I think the tears in my eyes from holding back the laughter gave me away. it was a crazy night but I was plenty glad to get home after that long day.

THe only other thing of any importance that happened this weekend was I met with my group for the last time, which was a bit sad and a bit releaving.

I hope you had an equally entertaining weekend.

1 comment:

Josie said...

not so professional...but quite the interesting weekend! I feel "bedazzled"....