Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Response to: Starting to Write

Everyone has something to write about. There is always a new story to tell or a new way to tell an old story. There were a lot of great ideas and examples in this chapter. One line I felt I could relate to was "Most writers do not have many fields to plow. My writing mostly comes from my going over and over and over again a few territories." I have found that the subject matter of my writting is the same. I seem to have a handful of ideas, emotions, and memories from which blooms a majority of my writing. I have many times tried to dig up new memories or force writing about differing topics and have for the most part found these pieces to be flat and uninspired. It is much easier to stick with what I know and what I can draw on.

One line from the text that I was unclear on was "I have no specific memory of this incident, but it is true now that I have wirtten it...." I'm not sure how a fiction can become a truth simple through the act of writting. I can write that I flew around the world and relate all sort of wonderful experiences and details but the fact that I have written it does not alter the reality that I have in fact never flown anywhere much less around the world. I through my writting can imagine what flying would be like and could write pages upon pages of ficticious experiences that I'd have on my travels but they may not be accurate and certianly wouldn't be true.

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