Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Persona Poem

The revolution begins
Theres a terrible cost
All I have are rocks
Not even rocks

But I also carry a much
More lethal weapon
A mind
An Idea
Thoughts of a better life
Things you cant touch

Bullets wont stop them
Tanks wont crush them
Propaganda only insights me
To think harder
To think more radically

So I cast these stones
To show my hate
To let you know
In whose mind
The ideas lie
And you'll shoot me up
After it doesnt matter
Because the seed has been planted
And your war machine wont touch it

The revolution has begun

Revision poem

In a world so black and white
I'm angry when people use the N word
Angry that I cant find another job
With all this
Urban sprawl and the constant hum
takes over when all I need
is life to be stilled and for grass to look like a beach
If I could I would
Love to go back to that new years day
Before progress
Before city scapes and starless nights

Cause the city changes everything
Makes us all black or white
Pilling people on top of people
Underneath people
Too close
Too many

I'm angry when people use the N word

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Letter to My friend


Its been awhile since we last spoke just thought I'd catch you up on my life/last weekend. It was a pretty interesting night Saturday. I was at a dance thingy for the Air Zoo. For whatever reason their is a lot of old people in Kalamazoo that love to dance. Anyways the funniest part about the whole night was the leader of the dance group was an old guy who looked just like Colonel Sanders except for the fact that he was dressed like Joesph Stalin so the person I was woking with and I refered to him the rest of the night as Citizen or Commrade Sanders, which need less to say was flippin hilarious. There was also a guy there that looked like he was straight out of an 80's porn film. To top it off he was wearing a Badazeled cowboy vest and cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. This was basically my night at the zoo, crazy as always.

Hope things are going well with you. See over break.


A Poem


Is not a lack of anything
It is not a missing eye
A crippled hand
A crippled mind
A void of thoughts
An inability to connect to your lover

It’s a presence of something not perfect
A socket without a gushy ball and lens
A hand with messed up fingers
A mind that cant connect the dots or color in between the lines
A mind that only thinks white
A distrust of yourself in bed


My Weekend

Dear Professor Blank:

This last weekend I had wasn't too exciting or productive. I spent a large amount of my time working at the Air Zoo. The highlight for me came on Saturday night when I was working a night event with a friend of mine. The night event went until 12:00 a.m. and I had been working that day starting at 8:00 a.m. Needless to say by the time the night event was slowing down I was a bit tired and a bit loopy. Anyways my friend and I were working up front at the ticket desk making sure all the people that came into the building were there for the night event and not just people wandering in off the street. The event was some dancing thing for old people. I'm not exactly sure what the group was all I know is that they danced amongst the air planes for a good 4 hours, and they danced to all kinds of music. The song choices ranged from Fergie to country, to Dean Martin to classical. When the organizer of the event arrived Andrew and I could hardly keep from laughing. He was dressed to the nines had a very precisely cut and cleanly trimmed white beard and looked almost exactly like Colonel Sanders, except for the fact that he came in with a very Russian looking fuzzy winter cap and had on a long black trench coat. So Andrew and I got our jollies by calling him Citizen Sanders or Commrade Sanders. Later on in the night one of the younger dancers a man in his mid forties came out to change for his solo dance. This guy was way creepy looking and seemed as if he had just come off an 80's porn shoot. He had a thick poorly trimmed stash a wicked comb over and even asked Andrew and I if we were looking at porn, which we weren't but the fact that he asked was quite odd. When he came back from changing his costume he was wear a cowboy get up and his sleeveless shirt was aglow with what looked like little fake jewels that had been "Badazeled" on. I honestly wish I could say that I kept a straight face upon seeing this sight but I think the tears in my eyes from holding back the laughter gave me away. it was a crazy night but I was plenty glad to get home after that long day.

THe only other thing of any importance that happened this weekend was I met with my group for the last time, which was a bit sad and a bit releaving.

I hope you had an equally entertaining weekend.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Firewrite Poem

Global Warming
The fight for oil
Has lost some energy
Over the years
As the Barons of Big Business
Watched their supplies dwindle
Like a candle in the night

But now the battle has once again
Gotten a smog laden, unleaded boost
You see there was an unforeseen
Yet pleasantly delightful side effect
To all this toxic fossilized
Plant matter that we’ve been fiendishly
Pumping into our
Into our
Into our
Into our

The heat it creates when it insulates
The ice one
Drip drop
Drip drop
At a time

Freeing up a new untapped glorious wealth of black gold
Enough to line our pockets
Enough to seal your fate
Enough to raise the Asthma count a few thousand
Enough to keep your gas prices just reasonable
Enough to stop the bitching

But somewhere down the oily slope
We slipped
In some environmental bullshit
Something about Global Warming
Something about oil is killing
The entire planet
Whatever that means

Who cares about fifty years from now
Who cares about no ice caps
Who cares about loss of habitats
Who cares about no winters
Or possibly eternal winters

Because the bottom line is
Four billion dollars pure profit this quarter
The bottom line is they’re getting rich
And they don’t give a fuck
Let the peons choke on 3.18 a gallon
Let them choke on the fumes
Let them fry under the UV rays
Let them drown in the streets of their own cities

Preservation of life can’t be drilled
Out of the core of the earth
Which will give them the energy
They’ve grown addicted to
With it we’ll poison their lives
And they will pay us handsomely to do so


I grew up white
I grew up middle class
I grew up happy
I’m not oppressed
I’m not segregated
I’m not told no

But that doesn’t mean
I don’t have problems
I live an easy life
I’ve struggled
I’ve bled
I’ve tried and tried
Then failed and failed

I still get pulled over
I still get made fun of
I still get frustrated
Or angry
I’ve given up

So why does everyone see me as privileged
Because I’m white
Because I’m middle class
Because I couldn’t possibly understand
What it’s like

To not have a penis
To not think about my skin
To not be outnumbered
To not be free in every way

But those are just easy excuses
Reasons to hate instead of try
Because I’ve earned every
Job position

And I’ll own them all
So don’t cast your hate on me
Because I won’t bare the burdens
Of your misfortunes

I understand you’ve had a shitty life
Your upbringing didn’t allow for the

But what would you have me do
Give it all up
So I can live as miserably as you
We are all victims