Saturday, August 2, 2008

War Wounds (Play) Inspired Poem

A president makes
A war makes
An army makes
A commanding officer makes
A soldier makes
A Grunt takes
A shot at

The kid that he once was
But will be no more
In hopes to protect
Trying to ensure
The future is secure

But the wounds were too great
An accident
An intentionally fired bullet
Misplaced in youthful flesh
A father to a son in trouble
Cannot save him from the sins
Of others

A shot causes casualties on both sides
Turn the guns around
Pull the triggers
Silence the wounds carved on the mind
The ones the bandage couldn’t soak up
The ones that shouldn’t be numbed
The ones that wouldn’t bleed out
So at last
No more blood
No more screams
No more doubt
No more fear

A Grunt kills for
A soldier and
A Commanding officer and
An army and
A president and
A victory speech

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

All done

Sometimes classes go on forever... this class doesn't. So now its done and thus so am I and so is this. The final post has just been posted. J. C. is out. Later bitches

P.S. its been a great semester

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Time to Compute

Computer time for me in highschool was mostly my business tech class with mr. Green. This class was basically a copy of cs. 105 here at western. We learned how to use word, excel, powerpoint, and acess. It was way lame but very helpful. The class work was all out of a book and there was a ton of it so we were all kept pretty busy. Other than that class computer time was rare. There weren't many computers in the classroom. Correction there weren't any computers in the classroom, so computer time always took place in the library of sweetness. I was seldom in the library outside of class and when I was in the library for a class assignment it was usually the same thing. The librarian taught us how to look up books online and how to navigate online. THis happend every year for every class and by the end I wanted to die. When it was actually search time I usually did the work I was supposed to. I was never really one to not do what I was told. SOmetimes however, my searching devolved into googling the wierdest things I could think of hoping for something funny or something naked.

Thank you to Lynley

Lynley, thank you for the new id that replaced my lost id that I'm fairly sure you stole from me. You're a real pal.

Techno class

Technology in the classroom makes education more accesable, interesting, quick (in most cases), and hands on. Also by using technology in a class we are educating our students on how to use technology. Technology should be used with caution however because it doesnt always work as planned. Having a back up plan is always a good idea.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Persona Poem

The revolution begins
Theres a terrible cost
All I have are rocks
Not even rocks

But I also carry a much
More lethal weapon
A mind
An Idea
Thoughts of a better life
Things you cant touch

Bullets wont stop them
Tanks wont crush them
Propaganda only insights me
To think harder
To think more radically

So I cast these stones
To show my hate
To let you know
In whose mind
The ideas lie
And you'll shoot me up
After it doesnt matter
Because the seed has been planted
And your war machine wont touch it

The revolution has begun

Revision poem

In a world so black and white
I'm angry when people use the N word
Angry that I cant find another job
With all this
Urban sprawl and the constant hum
takes over when all I need
is life to be stilled and for grass to look like a beach
If I could I would
Love to go back to that new years day
Before progress
Before city scapes and starless nights

Cause the city changes everything
Makes us all black or white
Pilling people on top of people
Underneath people
Too close
Too many

I'm angry when people use the N word